But I don’t have anything to blog about!
It’s a common problem. – You think you don’t have anything to blog about. You don’t see it as writer’s block. You truly believe there’s nothing to be said. Nothing that’s new. Nothing that anyone would care to read about. And certainly nothing to interest others.
Since when do any of us have a problem talking about our business? What about the new line of products? Or the enhanced support plan? Or the accessory products that customers don’t realize we offer? Do people realize how much better we are than the competition that dominates the radio and TV airways with their hot air?
Relevant topic ideas are all around us if we just listen — to our colleagues, our suppliers, our friends, neighbors and even ourselves! Think about those informal communications from the perspective of our target audience. What do they want to ask? What problems do they need to solve? When your technicians make service calls, what are some of the common questions that customers ask? And what are the replies that your sales people find themselves giving over and over in response to customer objections?
By showing customers that you’re eager to communicate, you demonstrate that you want to understand them and respond to their needs. At Added Value Web Services, we can help you brainstorm and prioritize dozens of good topic ideas that your audience will want to read. Feel free to comment here on types of topic you think would be appropriate for business websites.