Websites made by Yellow Pages

Yellow Pages, Yellow Book and several other large directory publishers began offering a new line of services for the past several years. These publishers, like the rest of us, saw that the trend was for people to get their information from the internet. Using the internet is much easier, faster and provides more information. The directory publishers will create a website for businesses. However, beyond the name recognition they offer (for their business, not yours), having them build a website for you is a poor value. Some of the many reasons include:

  • Cost: Even small businesses can pay hundreds of dollars monthly for very modest websites.
  • Customization: The website they create are often mass produced with generic pictures and text for your type of business. You have to provide you own photos and artwork if you want something different — or pay them extra for it.
  • Optimization: These sites are notoriously poorly optimized. A Google search for your business will result in listings of your business on THEIR website. It’s easy enough then for a customer to grab the phone number from their. But then they probably won’t go to your actual website. If they don’t go to your site they won’t get your product information, your featured items, coupons or other good stuff!
  • Ownership: These publishers will obtain a domain name for you. This is convenient but it means that they own the domain name. This is also not a problem until you decide you want someone else to provide your web services. Will they release the domain name to you? Not usually. You may have to get a new domain name. So instead of “” you may have to use a domain name like “”.
  • Personal attention: Your directory sales person will show up annually to renew your contract. Need changes to your website? Need to tweak it to get better results? It won’t be cheap or easy.
  • Extra charges: Do you want the listing for your site to show up higher in their listings? You have to pay a premium or buy a higher end package deal.
  • Tracking: It’s important to know if your site is getting the results you need. You pay directory publishers extra for reports on your site performance.
  • Coverage area: Directory publishers only link to your (their?) website in the areas that you pay for. So if your business serves the entire metro area, you would have to pay for links for all of the towns beyond your immediate area.

[quote style=”boxed”]Unlike these directory publishers, Added Value Web Services offers you personal attention, customized solutions, true search engine optimization, global coverage, control of your domain name and much more for a mere fraction of the price! Call us today to find out why we’re called “Added Value.”[/quote]